The Developer Perspective, added to the 4.2 OpenShift Console, provides developers with an optimized experience with the features and workflows they’re most likely to need to be productive.
Main Use Cases
The main use cases of the Developer Perspective include:
- Utilizing the topology view to view resources
- Adding resources to your topology
- Monitoring your resources
- Modifying your resources
- Enchancing the Developer Perspective with operators
Developers are one of the main types of users who might utilize the Developer Perspective. Some of the developer persona types we are designing for include the following.
OpenShift Explorer
The OpenShift Explorer is discovering and learning about OpenShift or new features in OpenShift, such as Pipelines or Serverless. The OpenShift Explorer expects efficient and intuitive workflows.
Code Locator
The Code Locator brings up an IDE with the code associated with a service in OpenShift. The Code Locator does not spend a lot of time in the OpenShift console since they need to locate the associated code.
Application Builder
The Application Builder wants to quickly assemble an application and spends most of their time in the IDE. The Application Builder wants to go into OpenShift and be able to quickly build and deploy an application.
Application Deployer
The Application Deployer deploys applications to OpenShift from their IDE. The Application Deployer spends most of their time in the IDE but wants to view the status of builds, pipelines, and applications.
Application Monitor
I monitor the health of applications and their components. I expect to be able to view the application topology and be able to easily understand the health status of the application as well as it’s components, so that i can identify areas to troubleshoot.
- Argo CD link
- Developer Catalog enhancements and scaling for event sources
- Form/YAML switcher
- Navigation hints in Quick Starts
- Quick Starts Catalog Page
- Adding sink with channels, brokers, and URI (4.6)
- Channels in Topology
- Display PipelineRun failure details
- Getting Started - Samples
- GitOps for Apps View
- Guided Tour
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
- Quick Starts
- Add Flows - Advanced Options - Health Checks
- Add page
- Command Line Interface (CLI)
- Container-native virtualization operator
- Design for the Resource tab for VM-based resources on topology
- Event Source - Resources tab in side panel
- Event Source Creation
- Health Checks
- Helm
- Helm Release Notes
- Installing a Helm Chart
- OpenShift Serverless Operator
- Pipelines
- Pipelines section in Add Flows (added to 4.3)
- Pipelines section in Add Flows (updated in 4.5)
- Project
- Search - Add to Navigation in Dev Perspective
- Topology
- Visualization of virtual machines resources in topology view
- Add page
- Creating an Operator Backed Service
- Deploy Image (Usability Enhancements added in 4.4)
- Developer catalog
- Installing a Helm Chart
- KSVC - Resources tab in side panel
- Monitoring page
- OpenShift Pipelines
- OpenShift Serverless Operator
- Pipeline Builder
- REV - Resources tab in side panel
- Topology
- Topology - Access Add actions from topology view
- Topology - Filter
- Topology - Find
- Topology - Groupings
- Add page
- Deploy Image (Enhancement in 4.3)
- Import from Dockerfile (Enhancements in 4.3)
- Import from Git (Enhancements in 4.3)
- OpenShift Serverless Operator
- Pipelines section in Add Flows (added to 4.3)
- Project Access
- Resources section in Add Flows (added to 4.3)
- Serverless Topology
- Serverless Topology
- Topology
- Add Flows - Advanced Options - Build Configuration
- Add Flows - Advanced Options - Deployment Configuration
- Add Flows - Advanced Options - Labels
- Add Flows - Advanced Options - Resource Limits
- Add Flows - Advanced Options - Routing
- Add Flows - Advanced Options - Scaling
- Add Flows - General Section
- Add page
- Builds
- Create Source-to-Image Application
- Creation of Knative Services
- Deploy Image
- Developer catalog
- Events
- Import from Dockerfile
- Import from Git
- OpenShift Serverless Operator
- Pipelines
- Projects
- Search
- Topology
- Visualization of Knative Services in topology