Convey Operator is Installing
Currently when an operator is installed the user is taken to the Installed Operators list view, where it may take some time before the entry for the newly installed operator actually appears, particularly if the operator is installed globally and the user is viewing a namespace the operator will be copied to, and the CSV doesn’t yet exist. This design gives the admin user immediate feedback that the operator is installing properly, and can surface errors that may occur during the installation process.
Installing an Operator
- The user selects the operator they’d like to install and selected installation options (no changes to this screen.)
- The user is now taken to the new installing screen where a spinner conveys the operator is currently being installed.
- The status conditions reason and phase are shown and update in real time on the installing screen.
- A link is included that allows the user to exit to the Installed Operators list.
- The user could navigate away from this screen using the left nav, and return to it via the Installed Operators list view.
- On the Installed Operators list, a row item would always appear (even if the CSV isn’t created in that project yet) that conveys the operator is installing.
- A View Install link will be present when the operator is installing, that can return the user to the installing screen.
- Definition of ‘operator installing’: Before CSV’s status.phase reaches “Succeeded”
- Values in columns may be unfilled as neccessary.
- The user would return to the installing screen.
- When installation completes successfully, the user has the ability to view the installed operator (or view the installed operator list.)
- The user views the details of the operator.
Warnings and Errors
- If the installing operator requires manual approval, the call to action will appear on the installing screen where the user can review the created resources and approve the install plan, and installation will continue.
- If the user denys the install, the uninstall operator flow will begin (current deny behavior.)
- Assuming any of the following occur while the user is still viewing the ‘installing’ screen: Subscription creation fails, InstallPlan creation fails, CSV, CRD, Deployment, RBAC creation fails or requirements are not met, like MinKubeVersion, the error is presented on the failure screen.
- The user can view the resource that generated the error (or its parent resource) via the View Error button.
- Definition of ‘operator failed’: If CSV’s status.conditions.phase becomes “Failed”