The Report Query selector contains a list of the queries that could be used to create a report.
The namespace could be selected, or potentially filled in automatically depending on the selected query.
Checking Run Immediately would make the start and end dates required fields if applicable.
In addition to creating an unscheduled report, users would be able to choose from a number of available periods or manually enter a CRON expression.
Selecting a period provides the relevant fields for describing when the report should be run.
Selecting the CRON option would provide a text box to enter an expression.
A link to documents explaining cron syntax would be provided in this case
Reports could also be created from the context of a query.
In this case, the query and namespace fields could be automatically populated with the details of the query.
Ideally, the report name would be automatically updated with the name of the query and the period. Users could override this by typing in the Report Name box.